UV Food Preservation system

Bluezone Model 2400 is designed to keep refrigeration environments free of damaging contaminants and extend the shelf life of produce. Ultraviolet enhanced oxidation destroys contaminants such as ethylene, mold, bacteria and odors. Eliminates 99.9% of mold and bacteria as well as ethylene gas in walk-in refrigerators to extend shelf life and reduce waste.
Model 2400 works by drawing air into a self-contained reaction chamber and killing contaminants with ultraviolet enhanced oxidation. To achieve maximum kill-rate, Bluezone attacks airborne contaminants. Ethylene is converted to H2O and CO2 via an oxidation process. Oxidation and ultraviolet irradiation happen completely inside the reaction chamber, which is engineered to address the specific microbial and chemical contaminants in refrigerated storage. Bluezone is CARB certified for ozone emissions: ozone is kept inside the Bluezone reaction chamber.
Bluezone Model 300 is a hybrid model for killing viruses in small spaces (like restrooms) or keeping refrigeration environments free of damaging contaminants to extend the shelf life of produce and eliminates flavor transfer.
Studies show as much as 40 percent of our food supply is wasted. This is like throwing away two 20-dollar bills for every hundred in your wallet. With Bluezone by Middleby, the challenges becomes what to create from your ingredients, not how many of them you’re throwing away.
This breakthrough approach to food preservation was specifically developed for the U.S. Army to extend the shelf life of fresh fruit and vegetables in shipping containers sent to troops overseas, and now it’s available for your commercial kitchen.
Food waste is not only wasteful, it eats into profits. Whether you’re storing fresh fruits and vegetables in a walk-in or transporting them across the country in refrigerated transports, Bluezone’s food preservation technology can reduce mold and bacteria by 99.9 percent to keep fresh food fresh for longer periods of time.
Learn how Bluezone by Middleby extended the shelf live of strawberries by 10 full days.
View the full line of installations in our catalog.
If fruits and vegetables are stored in a contained, refrigerated space, Bluezone by Middleby can be used to extend the shelf life of the produce stored there. Units can be used in a wide range of applications.
Restaurants are can place Bluezone units in walk-ins and even reach-in refrigerated units
Hotels can use Bluezone by Middleby in walk-in configurations, no matter how large or small
Hospitals and healthcare facilities can promote safety and reduce food waste
Schools and universities can use UV food preservation in commissaries or all across campus
Offices and corporate dining can enhance food storage during the weekends and holidays
Cruise ships and marine operations can ensure fresher ingredients while at sea